We as Christian women purpose to grow in our relationship with the Lord by using the talents given us to serve Him alongside our Christian sisters, and to minister to the world around us.  We will glorify God; help women find and develop their talents; learn to know each other better, and to love each other; grow closer as part of the family of God; grow spiritually and in number; and strengthen the weaker.
Should We Not Then Live As Dorcas?

The Dorcas Ministries at North Jackson are designed to help women serve God by serving others.  Each of us has been given talents, but often, we think of ourselves as having none!  Rest assured, the Bible states that we do, and we will be held accountable to God for how we have used them (or not).  Matthew 25:14-30
If you are new to North Jackson or feel that you haven't quite "found your place", we hope that the Dorcas Ministry will help you do that.  There are many new ministries within the Dorcas Ministry and there is something for every age group from 20 - 99.
Dorcas Ministry

Welcome Baskets - Making our new members feel welcome with a visit and a basket with goodies.
Caring Cards - Cards taken to our shut-ins that have been deposited in gift bags in foyer. Visitor thank yhou notes are also a part of thsi work
Pillowcase Smiles - Sewing pillowcases for the children at St. Jude Children's Hospital.
Pantry Project - The pantry is a great resource for benevolence needs. This work consists of labeling, shelving and also discarding out dated items.
Birthday Cakes - Birthday party each month for the residents of Jackson Oaks.
Graduate Dinner - Help plan and execute the meal celebrating our graduating seniors the first weekend of May.
Hugs From Home - Keeping in touch and encouraging our young people while they are away at college with monthly notes.
Facility Facelift - Projects that center around sprucing up the building whether it be painting, making drapes or doing art work
Meals for New Moms - Providing meals for 2 weeks for families who have had a baby.
Community Involvement - Focus on a community outreach project. We have become involved in fighting abortion in TN through the Madison County Right To Life organization.
Ladies' Day / Retreat - Alternates each year between hosting an area wide ladies' day and a weekend retreat.
Dorcas Diary - An email publicaiton that will keep all those signed up, informed of what is going on in the Dorcas Ministry on an as needed basis.

Worship With Us

Sunday Bible Study at 9:00 a.m.

Sunday Worship at 10:00 a.m.

Sunday Evening Worship at 6:00 p.m.

Wednesday Bible Study at 7:00 p.m.

Latest Sermons

Our latest sermons can be found on our YouTube channel.

YouTube: North Jackson Church of Christ

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Coming soon

Find Us

2780 US-45 Bypass
Jackson, Tennessee 38305

Note: Our parking lot entrance is located on Oil Well Road between Zaxby's and the Shell gas station.

©2025 North Jackson church of Christ — Jackson, Tennessee.